Business Idioms
Idiome bzw. bestimmte Redewendungen werden in den meisten Geschäftssituationen verwendet: in Meetings, Präsentationen, E-Mails – eigentlich überall! Wir haben sechs nützliche Beispiele ausgewählt, die dir helfen, wie ein Muttersprachler zu klingen und um sich an einem englischsprachigen Arbeitsplatz oder bei einer internationalen Veranstaltung sicherer zu fühlen.
- Get down to business = to start getting serious about something
We have spent a lot of time on the planning stage, we really need to get down to business and start hiring our team. - Touch base = to contact somebody
We should touch base with the supplier to make sure they have received the changes to our order. - Raise the bar = increase standards or expectations
They have really raised the bar with their new customer service policy. - A no brainer = a decision that was obvious or easy to make
Accepting the new position was a no brainer, the salary is very competitive and the work will be much more interesting. - Back to the drawing board = to start something again from the beginning because it didn’t go as planned
The company had to go back to the drawing board and design a new product. - Call it a day = to stop work or an activity
After a three hour meeting with the organizer, we decided to call it a day and went back to the office.